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Privacy Notice

For Students, Learners, Employers and Visitors to our Website, Social Media and eLearning Platforms

1.     Purpose of this Notice


This Privacy Notice sets out how we collect, use and protect your personal data that is provided to M&C Educational Training Services Ltd (M&C) either via email, website messaging, social media messaging, by telephone/letter communications or researching of companies' websites in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, The Data Protection Act 2018.


Please read the following carefully to understand how your data is used and why it is collected so you can make an informed decision as to whether you agree for M&C to continue to use your data as described below.


If you have any queries about this Privacy Notice please contact the Data Controller, Richard Brown, at M&C Educational Training Services Ltd., 92 Halifax Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 1JJ or email


2.    Who are we?


M&C Educational Training Services Ltd (M&C) is a training provider for the metallurgy and casting within the manufacturing engineering sector and is responsible of processing personal information as 'data controller' under the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (known as GDPR).  Our Registration number with the Information Commissioner's Office is ZA174410.


3.    Information we collect from you




The personal and 'sensitive' data you have provided either via paper format, electronic completion of forms via website or M&C's elearning environment platform, or via email, or we have received from third parties ie your line manager, HR manager, colleague, website includes your:


  • Name, home address, date of birth, gender

  • Contact details including mobile and landline numbers being personal or place of work, together with private and work email addresses

  • Student details about next of kin for emergency purposes for site visits

  • Student health issues relating to dietary or ongoing which may affect site visits and in emergency situations

  • Student's Curriculum Vitae (CV) & qualifications/certificates

  • Student's Individual Learning Plan

  • Student's previous successes and achievements certification

  • Student's payment methods (if this is applicable)

  • Employer's payment methods

  • Student's educational capability for M&C to assess whether additional learning support needs to be provided

  • Information regarding IP address, and details of web browser

  • Information regarding how you use our website and social media platforms

  • Student correspondence will be logged and stored on to email servers and the elearning environment platform and may be uploaded to Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Services or Capsule Database

  • Student's lifestyle to ascertain suitability for home study

  • Identifiers assigned to your computer or other devices, including Internet Protocol (IP) for both website and our elearning environment platform providing general location

  • Emails, message forums either through the website, social media platforms or through the email server may be kept as a record of correspondence

  • Email addresses may be used for invitations to Zoom Conferencing meetings/training

4.     Personal information you have provided




Personal details you have provided directly to us for the following reasons:


  • You have made an information request

  • You wish to attend, or have attended, an event

  • You subscribed to our Newsletter

  • You have requested information on our training courses

  • You have enrolled and provided us with relevant information for one of our training courses

  • You are representing your organisation

  • You attend Workshops run by M&C and held at external premises

  • You would like to attend a webtraining event


We are processing your data for legitimate interest, as stated above.


5.    Information we share with third parties




Your data shall be shared with third party data processors for elements of professional and advisory services, administration and finance services, banking services, M&C's Academics to fulfil the training delivery, sub-contractors, and marketing contractors on behalf of M&C for the performance of any contract M&C enter into with them for a purpose of providing a service to our potential clients, clients and students.


M&C work closely with Event Providers, Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills (ECMS) and they require Learners/Students personal data in which they share with their funding body, namely, Black Country LEP/Midlands Engine via the Black Country Growth Deal Fund, in order for them to deliver its business support services, complying with their contractual obligations for the funding.


We only permit these service providers to process your personal data for the specified legitimate purposes and in accordance with our instructions.


By using our websites and/or service you consent to our third party providers having access to your personal data.

6.   Your personal data stored on M&Cs database




Certain types of data will be required to be stored on your database, so we con continue corresponding with you (student/employer) regarding student's training.


  • Your personal/work contact details, email correspondence identifying your place of work

  • Employers (Student's Company) social media activity may be uploaded/stored within M&C's database

  • Your contact details and correspondence may be logged to M&C's email servers

  • Your contact details and correspondence may be inputted into M&C's database or on Microsoft 365 system.

  • CV's and Qualifications provided via email


We may also use your personal data for more than one lawful basis depending on the specific purpose we process your data.


7.    Database




M&C currently use Capsule (owned by Zestia Ltd) as their database for storage of and managing of communications with our clients, potential clients and students/learners.  The service is accessible by internet and is password protected by M&C.

8.    Using your personal data for surveys




  • We may ask students and their employers from time to time to complete surveys.  The results from these surveys will enable  M&C to monitor the training performance of M&C.

  • We may also use a survey for market research and to make public the results anonymising identities.

  • We may from time to time create a "poll" on social media or M&C's website and again this will be conducted for market research which is entirely voluntary to take part.

  • We may also periodically publish results collated from our online virtual learning system - this information will be anonymised and just the raw data published.

  • We will use Feedback forms to monitor the performance of any webtraining or on-site training from learners/students.

  • We are processing your data for legitimate interest as stated above.

9.    Using your personal data for marketing




To promote our training products to the industry, we will contact you via letter, email or newsletter via your company email address.  Intermittent emails may be sent to your personal email address, if no company one is available, and you have confirmed you would like to receive this literature.  Your contact details may be sourced by:


  • Recommendation from your colleague or associate

  • Your company contact details may be known in your company's weblog

  • Your company contact details may be known on your company's website

  • Your details may be made know via your page on social media

  • You have previously engaged via our website and subscribed to be kept informed of future courses/webseminars/webtraining/workshops


We have implemented the above to gain market intelligence for market research and statistical data analysis which also includes your use of our website and social media platforms.


M&C uses third party processors to process the data for legitimate interest to better understand the industries' training needs for part time students.


Your personal data will only be used for the purpose of marketing on behalf of M&C's data processors only.

10.   Newsletters and other types of communication




The purpose of collecting this data is so we can provide you with a service through email, letter, phone call, newsletter communication to inform of our upcoming events, training courses,- workshops, news regarding M&C, awareness of new legislations regarding Further and Higher Education qualifications and accreditations.


Our training is much sought-after requirement for the manufactured engineering industry who may not be aware of this service we provide for part time for metallurgy and casting students.


Training for part time students is declining in this industry and our aim is to ensure training this demographic has accessibility via online learning.


We will only contact you via newsletters, phone calls, letters and emails regarding relevant training products and:


  • events we may hold

  • topics that we think may be of interest to your organisation

  • funding that we become aware of for training and to update you on your new products

  • business development

  • statistical and management purposes and partnerships within the metallurgy and casting industry

  • approaching individuals to invite as Keynote Speakers to events


Your contact details will only be used by M&C employees and any third party data processors, or joint partnerships who may be engaged to work with M&C to assist with marketing.  Your contact details will not be passed to third parties for their own use and their own promotions.


At this time M&C do not use a third-party mailing facility and our emails are forwarded to you individually, however, if you no longer wish to receive these emails you can opt-out at any time by emailing and we will remove your personal details from our database.


As a subscriber to M&C's website, we may use the group mailing facility  for mailing content via Wix.


However, we may use a third-party emailing newsletter facility provider in the future and at this stage we will advise which system we will use.


No personal data will be used via M&C's third-party data processors and we are processing this data for legitimate interest b to better understand the industries' training needs.


You have the right to withdraw consent or object to the processing of your personal data at any time by emailing and we will update our records accordingly.

11.   Using your personal data for processing




It will be a requirement for M&C to use the personal and 'sensitive' data provided by the individual or their employer for students wishing to enrol on our courses and below is the process we undertake:


a)  to administer the process of your application to enrol on one of our training courses, without this the process cannot go forward;

b)  for the Admission Team to review your personal and certain 'sensitive' data for student enrolment purposes, provided via CV, personal statement, other certificates and qualifications;

c)  to produce Individual Learning Plans based on your current educational status;

d)  for identity checks for our training programmes;

e)  for ensuring students have the correct dietary and emergency help when visiting sites;

f)   to provide information which may be required by organisations involved with certification/awards;

g)  payment details from organisations paying for students training;

h)  Using your personal data to deliver training.


We are using your personal data for legitimate interests as stated above.

12.   Using your personal data to deliver training




Each student will have access and their own unique log-in details to M&C's email facility and our virtual learning environment.  Within the virtual learning environment (VLE) storage of student's coursework, opinions on this forum, marking results and private messaging to tutor will be kept safe.  Only access to the student's private area will be via their own academic and M&C's admin team and IT teams.  Students will not  be able to access each other's personal information kept within this secure student area of VLE.  Student profile will be available for all to see which the student will write themselves.


We are using your personal data for legitimate interest as stated above.

13.   Moodle


Moodle website is where M&C provides and retains all information relating to coursework and is associated with a natural person, which is classified as personal information.


The information collected within this site is about the users, courses, activities and resources linking to student's profile.


This information is only used to provide you access to the online courses.  M&C shall collate from the site statistical information about the usage of the site, for improvement and services provided and students' activity in order that the they are carry out their required training.


By the continuing to access learning material from this site you are consenting to the data we keep.  If, however, you would like to withdraw consent from the use of this site, then it may be difficult for you to continue with your course as this is M&C's preferred site for learning materials.


Moodle site is hosted in an EU Member State.


All Moodle users will have their own personal login and passwords for access to the site. 

14.   Attending an event, webtraining, seminar, workshop, student induction days, student regional centre days, student end         of semest events, student site visits




We collect information regarding names, company organisation telephone number , email address, job title when attending any of our events and in some cases home addresses.


We also collect, where necessary any information relating to  health issues, impairments, or access facilities and dietary.  This information is covered under GDPR 2018's "special category data", which helps M&C provide the care needed when attending any type of event we may hold.


We will ask for the above information and, on some events, we may request payment for you to attend.


We are using your personal data for legitimate interest as stated above.


15.   Retention


For students attending our events, your details will be kept until the end of your training with M&C and your details will not be published.


Contractual documentation and payment details will be retained for as long as it is legally required.


For other visitors attending events, we will not publish delegates lists.  Your name and contact and company details only will be entered into our database, so we can advise you of other events, unless you have specifically advised to the contrary.  We may also record email/phone call dialogue with you to the best service your needs.


Visitors to our events may wish to know more about our training courses or the company and therefore your details will be recorded on our database where we will contact you about the course providing you with literature and marketing information relating to our courses, possibly on a monthly basis.


Visitor "sensitive" information that has been provided will be destroyed/deleted and the visitor will complete appropriate forms again for dietary etc. requirements for other future events.

16.   Event Facilitators


We use third-party data processors to assist with the facilitating of events.  We may also use an information registration process to monitor bookings ie Eventbrite and banking services.


An attendance fee may be charged for an event, if so communications about the event will provide details of the data processor we use to collect names and payments.

17.   Creating Individual Learning Plans (ILP) - Students




Each student will be provided with their own ILP which will be collated from your CV and qualifications together with discussions about your career goals, this will be transferred to your ILP by M&C.  This document will be stored on Microsoft 365, the database and within Moodle (when you become a student) and will be reviewed by M&C's Admission Team for the admission process.


The ILP document will form the basis of discussion between yourself, your employer and M&C representative.


We are using your data for legitimate interest as set out above.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

18.   Change of purpose


Should it be necessary to use your personal data for a new purpose, we will notify you and communicate the legal basis which allows us to do so before starting any new processing.

19.   Right to withdraw consent


In certain circumstances where you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transferring of your personal data for a specific purpose such as direct or digital marketing which you have indicated you would like to receive from us, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time.


For students and learners you have the right to withdraw consent from M&C using your personal data, however, this will be detrimental to your training as identification is required in order to provide certificates.


To withdraw your consent please email and we will remove your contact details from our database for this specific processing of marketing literature to yourself.

20.   Storage of personal data


M&C take great care in the storage of personal data and this is important to us.  Once a potential student or employer contacts us, their information will be inputted into our database and any correspondence will be collated in that database too.


Any 'sensitive' data ie CV's, qualifications, health information will be saved in the database and on Microsoft 365.  To ensure that you are enrolling on to the correct training programme your CV and qualifications will be discussed between the M&C's Admission Team who are made up of M&C's employees and third-party data processors working closely with the Admission team to deliver the training.

21.   How long is your personal data kept?


Students' personal information will be kept until the end of their course programme or any other subsequent programmes.


Qualification results identifying the successful student will be kept for 1 year after the course programme ends.


For potential students who do not enrol on our course immediately and have provided M&C with personal information ie CVs, your details will be kept on our systems for a period of 1 year.  After this period, we will contact you regarding your circumstances and interests in our courses.  If there is no interest at that time your CV and supporting documentation will be deleted,  However, we will keep your contact details to advise of further products unless you wish to be removed from the database.  If you wish to enrol on our programmes at a future date, you will need to progress as a new enquiry with M&C.


Contacts at organisations for marketing purposes will be on our database until such time there has been no interest or the individual wishes to be removed from the database,  Periodically, we will give the option to withdraw from our database.

22.   Transferring personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)


For potential students and students, it may be necessary to transfer your personal data via email or file sharing server outside of the EEA, namely, Mexico to our third-party processor, GDC Asesores, who will abide by the GDPR rules.

23.   Cookies


M&C use cookies on their website to enable certain functions of the Service.  Details of what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties who we may partner with may use cookies on their Service.  Your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies are explained in our Cookies Policy.


24.  Our website




We may also use on our website Google Analytics and a data collection service to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns.  This information is useful to M&C in order to evaluate the number of visitors to various parts of the site.  The information processed does not identify any specific person.


We have implemented the above to maintain and monitor the performance of our website to constantly improve the site and the services we offer.


This is our legal basis for processing.

25.   Website subscription facilities




We may include a marketing tool to capture contact information on our website for newsletters and emailing for further information purposes.  The information will be stored in a third-party form and newsletter facility and transferred to M&C's database.  Details of your interest will be provided at the subscription process to ensure you receive the relevant marketing information.


You will be given the opportunity to opt-in to this facility on our website and have access to opt-out at any time.


M&C will ensure your data is stored on secured servers within the UK, however, it may at some stage be stored within Europe and by submitting your personal data, you agree to this.


The information collected will be held by M&C for as long as it is needed for the marketing and promotional purposes and will be intermittently reviewed and request your options for keeping in or opting out for receiving relevant marketing literature.


26.   Links to other websites


Where M&C provide links to websites of other organisations, this privacy notice does not cover how that organisation processes your personal information.  You must visit that website to review their privacy notice.


27.   How you can contact us


Contacting a specific person within the M&C organisation can be done by direct email to them or if they have provided you with a mobile number or via, or via our website Contact Page.  We don't audio record any calls, but we will take the information given and email you what is understood from the conversation and this will be recorded in our database.


Social Media:


You can also make contact via messaging or posting on social media where in some circumstances will be picked up and acted upon by third party data processors.


Live Chat:


Our website or Facebook page may have the facility to undertake a live chat, this will be with a third-party processor acting on behalf of M&C.


28.   Communication through telephone/video conferencing


M&C may contact employers, clients via a third-party processor, Zoom - this is our preferred way to deliver training and discussions to students through this conferencing medium.  The link visits the site's privacy policy


The company Zoom Video Communications is based in the US and they are active participants in the EU-US Privacy Shield.


29.   Your rights in connection with personal information


Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the new GDPR 2018 you have the following rights:


  • to request access to, and copies of, the personal information we hold about you

  • to have the right to request M&C to erasure or removal of certain personal information we hold on you from our database

  • to require us to correct the personal information we hold about you, if it is incorrect


For further information relating to your rights under this legislation you can visit the Information Commissioner's Office website:


30.   Your right to erasure


If you do not wish to receive future marketing or promotional information from M&C you can inform us by emailing or from the unsubscribe link, or request this from M&C's representative contact you.

31.   Your rights


It is your duty to inform M&C by emailing of any changes to your personal details so we can keep this information up to date and accurate.


Students who have enrolled on the training programmes have a duty to provide M&C with current contact details and other relevant information.


Correct and current information is required from the students who have an interest in M&C's training programmes, so that we are able to assess which programmes are the right one for you and we can assess your understanding of metallurgy and casting at this time.


Once you have been accepted on our training programmes, then you must ensure that we are kept up to date with the correct personal information ie if you move home, change your name etc by emailing

32.   Subject to access


Under the ruling for subject access of your personal data, there will be no charge.  However, if your request for access is clearly unfounded, excessive and not specific we may charge a reasonable fee to comply with the administration of your request.


When making a subject access request, please include the following information:


  • Your name and contact details

  • Any information used by M&C identifies or distinguishes you from other people with the same name

  • Any details or relevant dates that will help us to identify what you want ie your personnel file, emails - however, under the GDPR 2018, we may refuse access to certain information which may be subject to/include confidential information of other individuals.

33.   Your right to restriction of processing


In certain circumstances you can limit the way M&C uses your personal data ie the accuracy, how it is used and possibly to stop M&C from deleting your data. 


34.   Your right to object to processing


If you are unclear as to how we are processing your data, then please email for clarification,


After you have received clarification and you still wish to object, then please email and set out your objection why you believe M&C should stop using your data in a specific way.

35.  Changes to this policy notice


We keep our privacy notice under regular review and kept in line with current developments of DPA 2018 and GDPR 2018 or any of their latest versions.


We reserve the right to change this privacy notice at any time and it will be updated on our website and notified to you by email where appropriate.


36.   Questions


Please refer to your questions, comments or requests regarding this privacy notice to the data controller y emailing

June 2018

Updated 2021

© Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved

  M&C Educational Training Services Ltd

Registered Office: 92 Halifax Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 1JJ


Company Registration No. 09704701   |  VAT Registration No.: 231 7090 34

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