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Level 5 Industrial Mentor

Industrial Mentor Training Programme

Course Overview

The Industrial Mentor (IM) has a significant role in their mentee's achieving success in their training.


Throughout your training as IM you will be able to demonstrate the ability to construct and present a reasoned argument.  You will also become aware of the issues related to difference in the modes of delivery related to learning environments and demonstrating the ability to draw upon a range of sources and experiences that contribute to supporting learners' experiences.  You will also become confident offering opinions supported by professional experience of yourself and/or colleagues together with reading and writing.


You will also reflect on the challenges which can influence the effectiveness of Blended Learning.


You will also be able demonstrate the ability to plan, undertake and evaluate mentoring sessions and recording these outcomes linking to your mentee's progress and identifying issues which impact on effective feedback and progression. 


You will also reflect on your own impact on your Mentee's progress throughout all aspects of their programme.


Course Outline

Study Mode:  Online Blended Learning - Part Time


Location:   Visits to Regional Centres/West Yorkshire  

Duration:  Approx 20 - 30 Weeks


Language:  English


Learning Hours:  200 guided hours


Start Date:  To be confirmed

Course Content

Students will be supported throughout their distance/blended learning programme via their designated Lead Academic, web-conferencing facilities, workshops and their in-house Industrial Mentor.


The IM Programme is run over 2 Semesters with 2 Assignments in the first and the last taken in the 2nd Semester.


Subject areas are:


Assignment 1

Influences on the Effectiveness of Blended Learning


Assignment 2

To Evaluate and Discuss your Mentee's Progress throughout their course and their engagement with you.


Assignment 3 

To Evaluate and Discuss your Chosen Task



The Industrial Mentor will support their student in the workplace undertaking Metallurgical Science 1, Metallurgical Science 2, Research Methods and Independent Study, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Introductory Practical Metallography and Metallurgical Science 3


Enquire about our courses


Please complete the Enquiry Form and we will be in touch with you.


Entry Level

Students will be in full time employment within the industry some knowledge and experience of metallurgy processes.


Ideally, you will be in a superviosry role or can evidence your capability to take on a mentoring role.


Students will provide a copy of their CV, qualifications and any other training certificates.  This information, along with visits to the workplace will be assessed by our Admissions Team.



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  M&C Educational Training Services Ltd

Registered Office: 92 Halifax Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 1JJ


Company Registration No. 09704701   |  VAT Registration No.: 231 7090 34

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