Certificate In Metallurgy : Pathways
The development of this certificate will include our core metallurgical Science Modules together with student modules to aide their Pathway to specialising in their field, as follows:
Metallurgical Science 1
To include 6 elements to be completed in 12 weeks; and a
Mini Work-Based Project to be completed within 15 weeks simultaneously with the above
Metallurgical Science 2
To include 6 elements to be completed in 12 weeks; and a
Mini Work-Based Project to be completed within 15 weeks simultaneously with the above
Research and Independent Study
Desalination Project to be completed within 5 weeks; and
Feasibility Project (including presentation) to be completed within 10 weeks.
Mathematics for Engineers 1
A diagnostic test will be undertaken by the student for M&C to ascertain whether the student is required to undertake this Module or moves onto Mathematics for Engineers 2 Module.
Mathematics for Engineers 2
Application into the Industrial Setting
Metallurgical Science 3
Option Choices:
1 - One combination of indicative content from Metallurgical Science 1 & 2 and Research and Independent Study - duration 15 weeks
2 - One combination of indicative content from Metallurgical Science 1 & 2 and Research and Independent Study - duration 4 weeks and linked to a Mini Work-Based Project of 9 weeks
3 - One Major Work-Based Project split into 2 sections of:
4 weeks for planning and research; and
8 weeks of action research - duration 15 weeks
Metallurgical Pathways Options
Casting - A Route to Manufacture
Wrought - A Route to Manufacture
Welding Processes
Introduction to Metallography
Powder Metallurgy
Heat Treatment Process and Applications
M&C values your opinion /feedback to gain the industry requirement and we would like to review this indicative content on this new Pathway development by completing this form